Monday, April 15, 2013

In the face of Darkness...

I know this has little to nothing to do with the creative process, except that it has to do with the human experience. All of that informs our vision and our spirit and the voice that we give to that fire inside. Patton Oswalt is excellent in all the work he does. I am grateful for the words he wrote and shared today. I hope they speak to whoever reads this, as they spoke to me. 

In the face of everything that has happened on this day, April 15, 2013, I was left with uncertainty in what I could say. Thank you Patton Oswalt for putting it so very well. My heart is with all of those in Boston today and in the days to come in the wake of this horror.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Life... and A Lack of Posts

Sometimes we just don't get to call the shots on how our time goes... I've been struggling a lot this term at school. I just haven't had the time to dedicate to this blog as I would like to. There are a lot of aspects to the creative process and acting that I would love to share. I just haven't been very good at putting anything into words lately, and those efforts have had to be squarely focused on school.

Who knows when I'll post on here again? Two weeks from now classes will be officially over for the summer... At that time, chances are I will be able to work more at this. Until then? Here is an image/meme/quote that I just discovered. It is a fantastic summation of one quality necessary to truly be an actor and be a great one. It is a quality I am so glad to have in me. This is something that drives me every single day, in every single relationship. I am working to hone it for my acting skills. Hopefully it all pays off one day. Well, in my personal life I find it generally does pay off. In my creative life I trust that it will.